омммммммноммммммноммммммн Arsenal Computer оллн оллноллн оллн олллнолллноллн оллллллн Interface Troubleshooting оппн оппноппн оппн оммн оммноммммммноммммммн The user interface used on this disc is very trouble-free under normal circumstances. However, there are some machines that have difficulty with the compiler used to create this user interface. If you are experiencing a problem with "Not enough memory," then simply type this at the DOS Command line and try it again: SET CLIPPER = E000 This should cure the problem for you. If it does not, then please call our technical support number at 913-234-4146. If this does solve your problem, be sure to put it in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file if you plan on using the user interface on a regular basis. Otherwise, you can simply type it when you plan on using the interface.